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"Take Back Our County"
Welcome To The Future In Grass-Roots Politics

Do you remember the "Who shot JR parties"? Now you have "Idol"  gatherings, "Lost"  parties, "24" events. We get together for so many reasons, yet other than these get-togethers  helping us forget about our troubles, what are the benefits? Can you imagine a real "Political Party" just to get together one night a week or month and talk about whats going on in politics. Would anyone show-up? Yet, in reality can you think of any other subject that on a daily basis effects every aspect of our lives?

Politics. Politicians. Such dirty words. Such bad feelings. Who would ever want to be in that world? The games that are played. The deals made. The compromising. The power given. The power used. The power abused. The "System". How about the amount of money you have to raise and spend? It's amazing anyone steps forward to run for office.

We all want the best to represent us. We look to elect folks that share our values or at least most of them. We want them to make decisions based on the needs of their constituents, not what can get them the most money or power. We want the little guy to have access to those that serve us, not just those that have the money or connections. 

For way to long, politics has been about, who you know and how much money you have. There comes a point in which we can not allow this to continue. We must take back what is ours. And if your going to be Grass-Roots you have to start with your county. So folks. Let me help you "Take back Our County".

I believe we can.  First by Being Responsible 2 One Another. Second by electing people that are Responsible 2 us. For way to long we have elected people that believe they must take care of us. In essence they believe they are Responsible 4 us. We have become so accustomed to this that many people believe they are Responsible 4 One Another. We cannot continue down this path.

Steve Weissberg
Website Builder